My muse of the day:

Modern astronomical science has the age of the Universe down as being around 14,000,000,000 Earth years old.

Our galaxy - The Milky Way - didn't come into being until roughly 1,000,000,000 years later, making it 13,000,000,000 years old.

Our Sun didn't burst into existence until around 8,000,000,000 later and our planet Earth - along with the other planets - roughly formed around the Sun over the following 500,000,000 years.

MAN gradually evolved from an extremely long line of species through the primate line to eventually become top of the food chain and masters of this world only in the last relatively few thousand years.

It makes one think, doesn't it? Where does this leave all the different stories of the creation that all the different holy books contain? Books that were written by peasants on evidence given by peasants at a time when they didn't know shit.


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