top atheist quotes (total: 15987)

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unknown Religion was created to calm the weak and fearfull about death, and allow them to accept it without panic. Unfortunately, religion will probably exist until the day we can extend human life. Thankfully, Science is fast approaching that day.
C.A.M. So Jesus is the Good Shepherd. Well, you know what the shepherd does with his flock? Shears them and then turns them into mutton.
Ralph Waldo Emerson The religion of one age is the literary entertainment of the next.
EA Miller EA Miller Trusting in someone like a pastor or a schizophrenic, who is obviously out of touch with reality, can be a dangerous venture. Keep in mind that both hear voices from things that aren't actually there!
johnnie jones

I have seen no group of people with more hate in them, than the christians.
Shaun The finality of death is the coldest truth one must face. Religion makes the perfect distraction.
Baron von Knifty The only miracle I can find in religion is that not one follower questions the silliness of it.

Penn Jillette Penn Jillette There is no god.
godwouldbeanatheist Science is certain of nothing and requires proof of everything..
Faith is certain of everything and requires proof of nothing..
Thomas Edison I have never seen the slightest scientific proof of the religious ideas of heaven and hell, of future life for individuals, or of a personal God. So far as religion of the day is concerned, it is a damned fake... Religion is all bunk.
EA Miller EA Miller Atheism is NOT a religion. Atheists have no special meeting places, no ritualistic acts, no holy book, no pastors, priests, rabbis, or shaman. In fact, we're often from diverse backgrounds with many different interests. What we do have in common, however, is that we do not believe in a god or gods. It's that simple.
Bart Simpson God is my favorite fictional character!
Enoch Author Enoch Author
Religion is like holding onto a rock in the middle of a raging river; atheism is learning how to swim.
johnnie jones
I have seen stupid, I have been stupid, but never stupid enough to believe in god .
EA Miller EA Miller The Abrahamic god is frequently referred to as a "perfect" being. Yet he is often angry, jealous, and petty. These of course were the imperfect human traits of those who modeled the fictitious deity they created after themselves.
johnnie jones

The bible is most popular with illiterates .
johnnie jones

Speaking of logic and reason with an idiot is a waste of time for everyone involved .
johnnie jones
Christians want to kill Muslims, Muslims want to kill Christians, but who do atheists want to kill? If you answer honestly, you're answer will be nobody .

Christoffer Johansson Nothing will make you an atheist faster than reading the bible.
Esiah Zakite Esiah Zakite How can 47% of americans believe Jesus is coming back? There's no evidence to show he was even here in the first place!
Earnest Hemingway "All thinking men are atheists."
John Kelly John Kelly How can a person who is civil and just but ask's for nothing in return be less righteous than those behave justly, but only under threat, and for the aim of a personal reward?
Nicholas Humphrey In a dangerous world there will always be more people around whose prayers for their own safety have been answered than those whose prayers have not.
LJM A moral man needs religion as much as a blind man needs sunglasses.
johnnie jones
I have researched mental illness and learned that religous people fit the criteria to be classed as mentally ill by experts in this field,
Richard Dawkins Richard Dawkins All religious beliefs seem weird to people not brought up in them.
EA Miller EA Miller It's perfectly okay to receive comfort and joy from fiction as long as you realize that it is fiction!
EA Miller EA Miller Christianity:

When you prefer to believe talking snakes kicked things off and seven-headed dragons will appear in the end times rather than bothering to open up a damn science book!
Unkown Christian Fundamentalism: The doctrine that there is an absolutely powerful, infinitely knowledgeable, universe spanning entity that is deeply and personally concerned about my sex life.
Christoper Hitchens That which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.
EA Miller EA Miller "Isn't killing people in the name of God a pretty good definition of insanity?"

-Arthur C. Clarke
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
Moses, Muhammad, Jesus and many deranged killers are among those who heard voices in their head. What does that tell you?
Socrates "I am the wisest man alive; for I know one thing, and that is that I know nothing."
David Powers God sacrificing his only son, knowing he would ressurect him shortly thereafter? That doesn't sound like much of a sacrifice to me.
johnnie jones
I was born an atheist, I will die an atheist, unpolluted by religion.
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
Atheism IS a belief system. Atheists believe in searching for the truth.
EA Miller EA Miller Seemingly endless conflicts and wars (since the creation of religion) have been fought in the name of whatever gods were popular at the time. Yet not a single battle during these thousands of years has ever been fought in the name of atheism.
johnnie jones
I researched the word bigot, and found it's earliest usage was in reference to Christians .
gill The best place for evil to hide is in the church
David Brenneman You are about as likely to go to heaven, as I am to go to hell.
John Kelly  Ireland John Kelly Ireland As a child you may be told that when holding a sea shell to your ear that you can hear the sea. Those that grow up realise that it is not the sea they are hearing.
Mimoun Raddahi God is like Santa Claus; A great, amazing and lovely person but sadly untrue.
Those waiting for an afterlife miss out on this one.
johnnie jones The Christian, is most afraid of truth and logic .
Mark Twain Mark Twain "Religion was invented when the first con man met the first fool."
Anthony2816 If all the Christians who have called other Christians "not really a Christian" were to vanish, there'd be no Christians left.
Friedrich Nietzsche (German philosopher) Faith means not wanting to know what is true
Scottish Proverb Be happy while you're living, For you're a long time dead.
EA Miller EA Miller I'm not sure which time I loved god more:

When he had children slaughtered by bears for teasing a bald guy or when he drowned almost the entire population of Earth. It's such a tough choice!
Lucifers Dad The only difference between religon and father christmas is that we are told at a certain age that father christmas was made up.
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Pat Simons Pat Simons Religion offers itself up as a solution to problems people didn't even know they had.
EA Miller EA Miller Religious institutions, which pay no taxes whatsoever, should have no say in what goes on in tax-payer funded public schools.
EA Miller EA Miller If you ever desire to take the "intellect" out of an intellectual conversation, just add religion. It's as simple as that!
EA Miller EA Miller White evangelicals are up in arms about public educators "grooming" today's children in ways they don't appreciate. Yet, ironically, they are the "groomers" ramming dangerous religious doctrine into the minds of children before their brains are even fully developed.
osirisnut osirisnut Happy Winter Solstice, everyone.
osirisnut osirisnut The religious will be getting into a praying frenzy, it's Xmyth time.
osirisnut osirisnut The population of most countries want to see assisted dying for people close to death, so they will not suffer in pain. Who is opposed to this? Religious leaders, they remember their predecessors raping, torturing men, women, and children and then burned at the stake for being witches. or accusing them of heresy and drowning them. Hanging people for blasphemy. Yes, they still want people to suffer before death...
EA Miller EA Miller Just remember that this holiday season Christians will be going out of their way to promote charities that serve impoverished populations. While on the surface providing food or perhaps helping dig wells to provide fresh water to these populations are good things, the real goal of these "good Christians" is to indoctrinate vulnerable people into their bigoted way of thinking. That's why I only give to charities that have no religious affiliation.
EA Miller EA Miller Embracing diversity and critical thought are the polar opposite of the barbaric means needed to keep religion afloat and influential.
EA Miller EA Miller Anyone that thanks god for their favorite sports team's latest victory must truly believe their "all-powerful" imaginary friend has very low priorities.
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