top atheist quotes (total: 15987)

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EA Miller EA Miller If religion existed in a vacuum and did not adversely effect so many people, I would have no problem with it. But as history (ancient and modern) has shown time and time again, this is most definitely NOT the case.
osirisnut osirisnut Atheists do look for answers to existence itself. They just don't make them up. Teller
Pat Simons Pat Simons The frequency with which miracles occur appears to be inversely proportional to our ability to investigate them.
EA Miller EA Miller Pastors often say “Watch this!” when they are referring to what they believe is an important part of the Bible. Scientists say “watch this” when they actually want to show you something, like a chemical reaction or celestial event occurring in the sky. Notice the difference?
EA Miller EA Miller EWTN (Catholic television) produced a Christmas film in which Santa kneels down before Jesus. Seriously, WTF?
EA Miller EA Miller It’s so sad to see religion turn a strong, independent person into a whiny individual dependent on the approval of invisible non-existent gods.
EA Miller EA Miller If all religion wasn’t bullshit, there would be no need to indoctrinate innocent children or other vulnerable people (e.g., recovering addicts, the impoverished, the traumatized) because actual evidence would speak for itself. But alas, there is no real evidence for any religious claim. There never has been.
EA Miller EA Miller If Adam supposedly named all the creatures of the Earth, how exactly did he name those living deep in the depths of the ocean that were only discovered by scientists over the last few centuries?
EA Miller EA Miller If there was literally a way to “shut off brain functioning”, attending church would be one such way to do so.
EA Miller EA Miller Religious folk in government would absolutely strip you of every last civil liberty you currently have if they thought it meant pleasing their invisible imaginary friend in the sky.
Pat Simons Pat Simons If Truth was the product of belief, we would be living on a flat earth at the center of the universe.
EA Miller EA Miller Much like invisible money, invisible gods are absolutely worthless.
osirisnut osirisnut The Catholic Church can be thought of as a round colossal well-polished turd that's bright and shiny to look at and will attract millions of people to admire and adore, but ultimately it's still only shit.
Dr. Idel Dreimer Dr. Idel Dreimer The God hypothesis -- a patriarchal and very human alpha male as Creator-in-Chief -- seems weak -- but perhaps understandable among primitive tribes with few facts and active imaginations. When the theory is embellished and developed by religions -- which suggest that God -- managing his vast universe -- or universes -- has nothing better to do than anguish about the affairs of mankind -- and that certain special, chosen human beings know exactly what he is thinking -- "absurdity" and "idiocy" are words insufficient to the descriptive challenge. (Observation #1756)
Pat Simons Pat Simons It's bad enough religion makes a virtue of believing in the absence of evidence, but what is much worse is when religion makes a virtue out of believing in the face of solid evidence against the belief in question.
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
The god of the Old Testament falls down in the first few lines of Genesis. Jesus of the New Testament takes a little longer, but not much.
Pat Simons Pat Simons The clergy is the last group you should ever trust with your rights and freedoms.
Pat Simons Pat Simons If there was such a thing as doctrinal truth, there wouldn't be 30,000+ varieties of Christianity.
osirisnut osirisnut The world is populated with people that are non-religious homo sapiens and people who are religious homo simpletons.
Pat Simons Pat Simons If it is proper to give thanks to god for being fed, what then is proper for a hungry person?
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
Why do some folk feel the need to have to read their holy books over and over or at least have them read to them?

I only had to read Charles Darwin's book 'The Origin of Species' once and I was convinced that the holy books had it all wrong.
Pat Simons Pat Simons Why is it ever acceptable to indoctrinate children with ideas an educated adult would almost certainly reject out of hand if hearing them for the first time? This massively screwed up world is, to a huge extent, the work product of believers, not secular-humanists.
osirisnut osirisnut There are bad nuns and there are good nuns, the bad nuns have been caught as yet the good ones haven't.
Pat Simons Pat Simons The clergy, any clergy, is the last group that should ever hold the power of life and death over others.
EA Miller EA Miller In Matthew 14:18 Jesus supposedly fed 5,000+ people by performing a miracle transforming 5 loaves and 2 fish into a massive feast. Isn't it odd though that none of the 5,000+ wrote about or talked to anyone about the miracle and none of the names who witnessed it are given? Something very fishy (pun intended) is going on here!
Pat Simons Pat Simons There is no horror that cannot be, and has not been, justified in the name of god, religion, and morality.
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
There's infinitely more evidence of the age of the Earth and Evolution to be found in my own back garden than there is evidence to be found of the existence of any god or the claimed 7,000- years old creation in the whole wide world.
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
Our sun is only one of countless TRILLIONS of suns out there in the universe. Maybe the creator thingy wore an asbestos radiation proof suit during the making of them.
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
Just as Harry Potter is the invention of WOMAN, ALL religious entities are the invention of MAN.
EA Miller EA Miller Many theists fear atheists simply because they seek the truth, and the truth is the last thing a theist ever wishes to pursue. Their goal is to perpetuate a delusion at all costs.
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
The pious say: God will wreak his revenge on the unbelievers.

The unbelievers reply: Which one?
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
Mythology/Fairy-tales. There's little difference. I find them both entertaining, though not informative.
Pat Simons Pat Simons The believer's faith is in no way validated by attacking the non-believer's lack of it.
Pat Simons Pat Simons A god who requires apologists to explain things isn't very good at getting its point across, and the christian god has failed miserably.
Pat Simons Pat Simons If some book in the bible discussed quantum mechanics, germ theory, the nature of atoms, or the heliocentric solar system, then I might believe it was at least possible it was of divine origin. As it stands, there is not a single thing contained in the bible, or any other magic book, that could not have been produced by the minds of the MEN who wrote it. Women, it should be noted, can take great pride in never having contributed a single line to the bible.
Pat Simons Pat Simons Those who would break down the barriers between church and state always imagine their own tribe in charge, and making the rules for everyone else. What they should be doing is imagining the tribe they dislike most having control over their lives. The second scenario, will definitely be someone's reality.
Pat Simons Pat Simons Through out the entire span of human history, there has never been a civilization that destroyed itself by being too reasonable.
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
"Only fools believe that THEIR god is the answer and not mine." Any Theist.
Pat Simons Pat Simons Some of the things I dislike most about organized religion are the people who do the organizing.
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
A mugger says "Put your hands up" while the priest says "Put your hands together" Either way, you hand over your money and pray.
EA Miller EA Miller Only religious bigoted hated could be used to blame things (such the devastation caused by hurricanes, tornadoes, wildfires, and other natural disasters) on the gay population living in these areas.
Pat Simons Pat Simons Theology is the only field I know of having multiple, irreconcilable, paradigms, every one of which is based entirely on conjecture. It is a field of study deserving even less respect than astrology.
EA Miller EA Miller Wonder what would work better... Praying for fish & chips when I'm hungry or just heading to the local pub and ordering them?
EA Miller EA Miller I took a "World Religions" course in college some time ago. Despite the utter nonsense portrayed, representatives from each of the various religions all proclaimed their god(s) to be the real thing with all others being imposters. The only thing the class did for me was to solidify my atheism!
Pat Simons Pat Simons I've long felt Christianity to be comprised of roughly equal parts comfort myth, and revenge fantasy. If talk of heaven doesn't keep the money rolling in, then threaten people with eternal damnation.
Pat Simons Pat Simons To all the theologians of the world I ask.......PROVE IT! Provide some testable evidence for your endless mental gymnastics that have motivated otherwise good people to kill, torture, and destroy in the name of what you dream up.
Pat Simons Pat Simons The cultural imprint of Christianity is huge, and it is because of this cultural imprinting apologists accept a story they would reject for lack of evidence if it involved anything but Jesus.
Pat Simons Pat Simons It takes very little to convince the person determined to believe.
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
ALL gods are the Superheroes of their time.
EA Miller EA Miller Those who doubt and investigate myths find real truths.
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osirisnut osirisnut I have nothing against Baptists. I just believe that they were not held under long enough. William Cowper Brann.
Pat Simons Pat Simons Being religious may not qualify as mental illness, but there is no shortage of people who channel their mental illness through religion.
EA Miller EA Miller The biggest fear for any religious organization is that their followers start questioning their beliefs. Because once basic critical thinking skills are actually used, they quickly realize they everything they have ever been taught is complete bullshit.
EA Miller EA Miller Anyone who “walks by faith and not by sight” is literally kicking science to the curb.
Gregarious Gregarious If the Bible is provably false, then the Bible is a lie. On the other hand if the Bible can be proven to be true it then becomes factual, and the existence of God is proven and there is no need for faith. Until we are presented with proof that the Bible is true and factual, we have to see it as a collection of stories, myths, metaphors, allegories, tales, parables, fables, traditions, rituals, beliefs, mores, legends, and folklore – passed down through the generations.
Christopher Hitchens Christopher Hitchens We do not need a person, official, or an organization – especially not a bogus clerical one that claims to “Talk to God” on our behalf – to tell us how to think, what to believe, and how to live our life. To paraphrase the song, ‘Sunshine’ by ‘Jonathan Edwards’: ‘They can’t even run their own lives, I’ll be damned if they’ll run mine’. Sane people choose to NOT live in a ‘celestial North Korea’ where an Orwellian “Big Brother” monitors our every action – even our very thoughts – 24/7!
M. Murphy M. Murphy If priests talked to God, surely God would have told them to stop fucking little children ... Wouldn’t He???
Dan Barker Dan Barker But purpose is personal. It can’t be right or wrong. It can’t be true or false. It can’t not be about you. It’s how you decide to live your own life. If someone else tells you how to live, you are not free. If you don’t choose your own purpose, you are nothing but a slave.
Oliver Markus Malloy Oliver Markus Malloy Most people don't think for themselves. They just regurgitate someone else's opinion and pass it off as their own.
Jordan Pineo Jordan Pineo A believer is a bird in a cage. A free thinker is an eagle parting the clouds with tireless wings.

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