top atheist quotes (total: 15991)

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Allah Verpint Religion comforts by telling us death is not real. Science comforts by telling us how incredibly lucky we are to have lived.
Analin Vader Analin Vader Child: "Daddy, is nanny in heaven with god?"
Theist answer "Yes, she's watching over us and we'll see her again one day"
Atheist answer "No, nanny is gone forever. But we'll always remember her, the love she gave us and what she taught us"
Which answer is better for the child?
Alan Harvey Alan Harvey Pretend for a minute there is a heaven... Following a nuclear holocaust billions of people turn up to spend eternity in paradise. Then what? Would they get jobs, maybe some hobbies to pass the time? Or would they just have to spend eternity massaging god's ego telling him how great he is? A limit to our existence is the only thing that gives life true meaning.
George Carlin George Carlin I'm completely in favor of the separation of Church and State. My idea is that these two institutions screw us up enough on their own, so both of them together is certain death.
Will Whenever someone informs me that "Jesus loves you!" I hasten to inform that person that I am not in any way a necrophiliac.
MF Absolute faith corrupts as absolutely as absolute power but absolute power is corrupt only in the hands of the absolutley faithful
Karen Armstrong Imagination is the most important religious faculty.
Ken Harris Primitive people, without the benefit of scientific method, could not see how the wind could move, so they concocted "gods" who moved the wind for them. That's when the trouble started.
David J. Constable Perhaps, if more people of faith spent more time personally preparing for their Heaven, Valhalla, Nirvana, the Rapture, the Enlightenment, .... and less time preaching to, interfering with, and maligning others, we would all be better off.
Andy Mulcahy Let us help and support one another, for we are on our own in this vast, uninterested Universe
NoGods4Me We can prove that oxygen exists. You can't prove that your god exists. That's the difference. I can live without believing in a god and have been doing so for all my life.
Franz Raphael Ferriols Proving god's existance by quoting the bible is like proving that Harry Potter really existed by quoting Deathly Hollows.
Kenny Duit "I, nor anyone else, will ever prove that god does not exist; however, science consistently proves he is unnecessary."
Megadeth Megadeth
Kill a man, you're a killer.
Kill many, you're a conqueror.
Kill them all, you're a god.
Gareth Hunt We become religious because our thought processes are flawed. We become atheists because our thought processes can evolve.
Bwian of Nazaweth Bwian of Nazaweth Why do believers get the hump with me when I ask perfectly reasonable questions like "Does god fart?"
Baron von Knifty One canon of the Catholic church I wish all those followers would pursue is the vow of silence.

Vlad Marinkovic Religion draws most of it's power from person's inability to comprehend that one day it will just cease to exist, period.
Thomas Mary had an affair, Joseph went crazy, Jesus was a fraud and they all made millions. The End.
Daniel God is like Santa Claus for adults
Brian Moral and ethical fiber without purpose is better than a criminal who attends church.
osirisnut osirisnut Can someone please confirm that they don't still drink water from lead pipes in the vatican.
Pat Simons Pat Simons When people start claiming super-natural sanction for their behavior, then just about anything becomes possible.
EA Miller EA Miller Washed up actor and major Bible-thumper Kirk Cameron ignores directives from health officials to host another maskless Christmas caroling event at a Southern California mall as the region deals with an enormous surge in COVID-19 cases. There seems to be no limit to the damage that religious stupidity can cause.
Pat Simons Pat Simons The history of the Abrahamic religions is, to a very large extent, the story of man's inhumanity to man.
osirisnut osirisnut A message from our creator, Lord God, and savior. " MERRY MYTHMAS EVERYONE ".
osirisnut osirisnut No amount of belief makes something a fact. James Randi
EA Miller EA Miller The King James Version of the Bible was completed in 1611 and contained 80 books. In the 19th century, 14 books were removed. If you buy a King James Bible today, even if it says "1611 King James", chances are it only has 66 books. Why was God unable to keep his word constant and true? Keeping this in mind, pastors often say "God has been the same since the beginning and is never-changing". It honestly makes one wonder if they ever even bothered to research the history of whatever particular version of the Bible they decided to adopt.
Pat Simons Pat Simons I will be forever amazed by the theists who have all manner supernatural beliefs, and engage in endless magical thinking, yet demand that atheists be reasonable.
EA Miller EA Miller There will never be peace for humanity or equality for everyone as long as religions exist.
EA Miller EA Miller By biblical accounts, Jesus was a socialist, middle-eastern hippie with long hair and a robe who advised people to give away their possessions and follow him. That's why I find it quite hypocritical that most Christians would condemn such a person from joining their worship groups and somehow still claim he is their personal savior.
Pat Simons Pat Simons If you take away the conjecture, special pleading, and magical thinking, . . . very little remains of Christianity.
Pat Simons Pat Simons The worst kind of slavery is that which results from refusing to think for one's self.
Dr. Idel Dreimer Dr. Idel Dreimer Religion represents an early imaginative explanation of the workings of the universe and a powerful tribal glue considered -- usefully -- too "sacred" for criticism. As more facts about the universe have been discovered, a significant dichotomy has appeared -- between the still tribally entranced and the newly freed -- whose thinking has sensibly advanced. (Observation #1886)
Pat Simons Pat Simons When it comes to religion, how does one determine what's nonsense, and what isn't?
Pat Simons Pat Simons The next time you see a preacher putting on an impassioned performance, remember this, truth NEVER requires theatrics.
EA Miller EA Miller It's important to remember that none of us speak for the all of the atheists on planet Earth. To assume such a thing would be quite the act of hubris.
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
Apostasy should be worshipped.
Dr. Idel Dreimer Dr. Idel Dreimer Religious hypotheses are unverifiable by the living -- the only "evidence" is ancient personal assertion -- or mythic "facts" woefully lacking in credibility. But fantasy is its own protection: it is a unifying realm beyond the fractious quibbles of intellect. Religion provides a sense of certainty, assures moral superiority, and comforts believers with a sense of community through repeated shared rituals. We should never underestimate the power of stupidity that is reassuringly communal. (Observation #1861)
Liverson  Mwandawiro Liverson Mwandawiro If we are to believe the creation theory of the Bible then we must accept the fact that God created the universe while he was inside the universe.
Pat Simons Pat Simons The surest way to have faith in the Bible, is to never read a word of it.
EA Miller EA Miller Prolife TV priest Mitch Pacwa commenting on the excessive gun violence in the United States: “The only gun control I need is to make sure I hit what I’m aiming it.” (laughs)
EA Miller EA Miller “God is never-changing.” -Charles Stanley, TV Pastor

“Does that mean that the smell of burning animal sacrifices still pleases him?” -Me
EA Miller EA Miller Religious cartoons are a form of child abuse.
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
My Dear child, please accept my most humble apologises for my getting pissed at that last beach tavern and you having to carry me the rest of the way home.

Yours Faithfully,


Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
The reason we don't see God is because he's far far away in the cosmos creating suns, moons and planets by the trillion and hasn't got the time to revisit all of them.
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
How do you see the stories in the holy books? Fictionally entertaining or factually educational?
Pat Simons Pat Simons Tell someone paint is wet, and they'll touch it to be sure. Tell them there is an invisible man in the sky who knows all their thoughts and is watching them at all times, and they'll get on their knees and pray to it.
Pat Simons Pat Simons Religion does not come from any God. Religion is the product of human fear and ignorance.
EA Miller EA Miller There is nothing religious leaders fear more than a person who actually thinks for themselves. Hence their need for early indoctrination/child abuse.
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The Thinking Atheist The Thinking Atheist Assume nothing. Question everything. And start thinking for yourself!
Carl Sagan Carl Sagan For me, it is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion – however satisfying, comforting, and reassuring that is.
Gregarious Gregarious We don’t need to just tolerate each other; we need to accept each other. We can accept others without necessarily accepting their views and beliefs but respecting their right to hold such beliefs. When those beliefs however are forced upon us by law-makers because of lobbying by religionists, and they start impacting us in negative and harmful ways, we must speak out. “Freedom of Religion” is as important as “Freedom from Religion”. We are all free to express that “freedom” in our own way. It is not freedom for everyone if we force our religious views on those who don’t believe them nor accept them.
Gregarious Gregarious There is NO Freedom of Religion without Freedom from Religion.
Gregarious Gregarious The rights of the minority should never be subject to the whims of the majority.
Gregarious Gregarious The test of courage comes when we are in the minority. The test of tolerance comes when we are in the majority.
Ludwig Wittgenstein Ludwig Wittgenstein If you choose to live a religious life, it mustn't be that you talk a lot about your religion, and especially not proselytize about it and force your beliefs on others, but simply accept that your manner of life is different from those with whom your views are not shared. It is only if you have an open mind, try to be helpful to other people, and are open to constructive dialog, will you in the end help each other find the “Truth”.
Richard Dawkins Richard Dawkins Religion is a pernicious and malicious distraction from true education and edification.
Gregarious Gregarious There are two kinds of people who don’t say much: Those who are quiet and Those who talk a lot.
Gregarious Gregarious Hey Guys: Try to use proper grammar in your comments. It's embarrassing for Atheists to be seen as unlearned. They'll use it against us. We know that most religionists are uneducated and ignorant about reality. Let's not get into the swamp with them. We are better than that!
One other critique: Try not to personalize your comments but think at a macro level that represents all Atheists. No one really cares about what you think personally. It's "WE" not "I". You're speaking philosophically, attacking religion, on behalf of the entire Atheist community. Thanks.
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