top atheist quotes (total: 15991)

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Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
Many theists KNOW in their heart that they are backing a loser, they just won't come out and admit it for fear of MAYBE being wrong.
EA Miller EA Miller Science:

When you’ve decided that the advice of ancient goat-herders from the Bronze Age just isn’t cutting it!
EA Miller EA Miller A secular humanist's poem:

Pray for a multitude of things
Despite its utter meaninglessness
Though your efforts seem noble
No relief is on the horizon
Still steady is the course
To absolutely nowhere
But keep in mind
You can abandon
Antiquated beliefs
And steer your own damn boat!
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
I'll tell you what WOULD convince me there's an Afterlife. God puts up a selfie on social media with my mum and dad included in the picture, thumbs up and smiling.
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
Father confessional time. "I've slept with all three of my sisters. And the cat."
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
Here's a pertinent question on the origin of life.

If space explorers of the not too distant future discover primordial life existing on another planet or moon in our solar system, how will that life form be explained?
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
What harm has religion ever done to anyone?

Damn! This 'Sarcasm font' I've just purchased on line today is fcukin' useless!
Pat Simons Pat Simons Myths are the self-evident truths of other eras that have been subjected to the scientific method.
EA Miller EA Miller A wise person NEVER embraces the actions of fictional gods as a guideline to live life by since NOTHING good can come of it.
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
Monotheism is a move in the right direction, as the closer one is to having ONE god, the closer one is to having NO god.
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
Christians 'crossing' themselves in prayer to their god is just as offensive to me as Muslims calling out 'allahu akbar'.
Dr. Idel Dreimer Dr. Idel Dreimer Complex things do not begin with complexity, but with simplicity; that is why "God" is an unconvincing ultimate first cause for the universe -- he is never described as simple -- but always in terms of a powerful "divine" complexity. (Observation #1321)
EA Miller EA Miller What all religions have in common is that they are faith based. People are taught to believe claims from some ancient text or self-proclaimed spiritual leader, instead of relying on their own senses, evidence and critical thinking.
EA Miller EA Miller “Of all the animosities which have existed among mankind, those which are caused by a difference of sentiments in religion appear to be the most inveterate and distressing, and ought to be deprecated. I was in hopes that the enlightened and liberal policy, which has marked the present age, would at least have reconciled Christians of every denomination so far that we should never again see the religious disputes carried to such a pitch as to endanger the peace of society.”

~Founding Father George Washington, letter to Edward Newenham, October 20, 1792
EA Miller EA Miller "Many fanatical Christians are unable to accept historical events as they occurred and insist on altering history in order to fit their religious version of events."

-Shanna Babilonia
EA Miller EA Miller One of my favorite quotes given repeatedly by pastors:

“Sometimes it may seem like god isn’t answering your prayers, but he’s always working behind the scenes.”
Of course the real reason is that non-existent mythical gods cannot grant wishes in the first place!
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
Are we destined to be born again after death? Well, as I see it, we MAY be born again.

The thing is we will never be born to be exactly the same as we were born our lifetime ago.

We may even be born something Non-human. Even something Non-organic.

You might be living your next life as a haemorrhoid on a pastor's bottom or grain of sand on bottom of the deepest ocean.

Whatever. Congratulations on your future new existence.
EA Miller EA Miller I truly admire the atheist population. Despite theists’ attempts to force religion upon them through early indoctrination, violence, exile, mass media, and multitudes of churches, mosques, and temples, they continue to think, evolve, and persist!
EA Miller EA Miller Prayer has never fed the poor, taken care of the sick, or provided a home to those who are homeless. Those are simply acts of human kindness.
A.A. Lewis A.A. Lewis In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony god's blessings. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence.
Enoch Author Enoch Author
When the waterholes were dry, people sought to drink at the mirage. ― Evelyn Waugh,
Carlos Mora Carlos Mora Women should feel proud for not having written anything in the bible
Davo Yumpus Davo Yumpus Oh no my friend, I am not "lost".
I am very well aware of what the Bible preaches & I deliberately choose to mock it !
Yashashwi  Sidharth Yashashwi Sidharth When someone realizes that reality is much more awesome than made up things, he becomes an atheist.
Enoch Author Enoch Author
The real issue is not whether God exists or not, but where to take the argument once one decides that he evidently doesn't - Allain De Botton
Ricky Gervais Everyone has the right to believe anything they want. And everyone else has the right to find it fucking ridiculous.
Karen Mkrtchyan If God was the one who created me, then he is a total jerk. He fucked up my nose, the bastard.
Unknown You may believe god keeps you safe, but at the end of the day, I know you'll look both ways before crossing the street.
Joe Stingel World peace is but a fantasy so long as there exists religion.
Hugh Laurie if you could reason with religious people, there would be no religious people
Arthur Shuey Fundamentalists believe the problem is eating from the Tree of Knowledge. Atheists believe the problem is cutting it down
Clayton Angell It is hard to name a more profitable venue than religion.
"Abraham Lincoln" "If I do good I feel good, if I do bad I feel bad; And that is my religion"
John Page And God so loved the world he drowned his own children because they didn't meet his expectations.
Todd W Schoener Choose Life...Abort Religion!
Alan Harvey Alan Harvey Evolution tells us we're all winners... Religion tells us we're all sinners!
Jon A Why is it that when theists want to mock atheism they do so by making it soud more like religion?
Jon A I respect those who are religious - although I share none of their beliefs - as that is a part of respecting them as people. But no matter how hard I try I cannot respect creationists with their asinine refusal to accept facts over myths.
Anatole France If 50 million people believe a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing.
Calliope Muse I pity the theist. Their beliefs are so primitive...just like those who believed in Zeus and all the other gods that people have invented over the stretch of human history. Mythology is still mythology, then and now.
James Madison What has been Christianity’s fruits? Superstition, Bigotry and Persecution.
Sam Harris There is no society in history that has ever suffered because its population became too reasonable — too reluctant to embrace dogma, too demanding of evidence
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
And the Lord said: "LET THERE BE LIGHT." And lo, ATHEISM was born.
Prof Uri Nassol Prof Uri Nassol It's true, religion seems to be trying to evolve. Luckily though, thanks to the forces of "intellectual selection"... religion can't compete for the same resources as science, and so will eventually become extinct!
Jason Rosen The Difference between an atheist and a man of religion is that an athiest can at least admit he might be wrong
Alan Harvey Alan Harvey Now I'm an atheist I'm truly 'saved'. Saved from trying to believe the unbelievable, saved from closing my eyes to reality, and saved from lying to myself and others for the sake of unnecessary delusions.
Prof Uri Nassol Prof Uri Nassol The universe seems to be more than 99.9(recurring)% incompatible with human life as does 80% of this planet's surface. If this is intelligently 'designed', whoever did it was a fucking idiot.
Calliope Muse Q: What do the Crusades, witch hunts, Holocaust and 9/11 have in common?
A: They were all "faith-based initiatives"!
S. V Lalor S. V Lalor Don't confuse your beliefs with knowledge unless you have knowledge of your beliefs.
Christopher Hitchens Christopher Hitchens "What can be asserted without evidence can therefore be dismissed without evidence."
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Acid Krtiana Acid Krtiana It certainly wasn't praying to God that made the atomic bomb.
Acid Krtiana Acid Krtiana "God isn't real."

-Nightmare Fuel
EA Miller EA Miller Religious apologists literally spin wildly false narratives around passages in their so-called holy books in an attempt to give them some legitimacy. Thankfully, science doesn't require such absurdity.
EA Miller EA Miller It's important to remember that none of us speak for the all of the atheists on planet Earth. To assume such a thing would be quite the act of hubris.
EA Miller EA Miller Atheism is NOT a religion. Atheists have no special meeting places, no ritualistic acts, no holy book, no pastors, priests, rabbis, or shaman. In fact, we're often from diverse backgrounds with many different interests and opinions. What we do have in common, however, is that we do not believe in a god or gods. It's that simple.
Pat Simons Pat Simons The next time you see a preacher putting on an impassioned performance, remember this, truth NEVER requires theatrics.
Pat Simons Pat Simons Humanity is not the result of any divine plan, we are what happened. The universe was not made just for us.
EA Miller EA Miller I've noticed that a lot of Christian TV programs use a "G-rating" (All Audiences) when they air and speak of crucifixions or most of humanity being murdered in a world-wide flood. This is in no way an example of them exercising their right to "religious freedom", but rather "religious privilege" pushing its very ugly agenda.
Pat Simons Pat Simons When it comes to religion, how does one determine what's nonsense, and what isn't?
Acid Krtiana Acid Krtiana "You believe in a book that has talking animals, wizards, witches, demons, sticks turning into snakes, burning bushes, food falling from the sky, people walking on water, and all sorts of magical, absurd and primitive stories, and you say that we are the ones in need of help?"

- Mark Twain
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