top atheist quotes (total: 15991)

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EA Miller EA Miller Faith is for weak minds who have given up on the truth.
osirisnut osirisnut There is the Catholic church the Presbyterian church the Baptist church the Lutheran church the Mormon church the Anglican church etc. Shit doesn't cease to be shit just because it changes its name.
EA Miller EA Miller Religious people are willing to ignore a mountain of evidence that completely contradicts their beliefs for the sole purpose of clinging to those beliefs.
osirisnut osirisnut Religion sells a cure for a disease that doesn't exist. Clive James.
EA Miller EA Miller Religious organisations that don’t pay a euro in taxes should have absolutely no say in government policies and most definitely not receive any funding from a government. Yet they do on both accounts.
Pat Simons Pat Simons If you divide the age of the universe, around 13.7 billion, by the age of the human race dating from when our puny ancestors first descended from the trees and began walking upright, around 3 million, you get the number .00002. This is the percentage of the time the human story has occupied in the history of the universe. The Christian era occupies a tiny fraction of that small number. It has all played out on an insignificant speck of dust in an unimaginably vast universe. And yet, apologists persist in trying to glean their morality from myths dating from the infancy of human civilization. Religion tries to make humanity out to be more than it is, and in the process leaves humanity being less than it can be.
EA Miller EA Miller At current estimate, there are over 400 billion exoplanets in our galaxy. Of those 400 billion, approximately a billion have the possibility of containing life forms. Considering the vastness of these statements, why would anyone in their right mind think a god would care so much about one insignificant planet and ignore all the rest?
EA Miller EA Miller Love between two consenting adults is love, so please keep your backward-ass religious beliefs to yourself.
osirisnut osirisnut If you give a dog food and water it thinks you are a god. If you give a cat food and water it thinks it's god.
osirisnut osirisnut A woman was complaining about how hot it was and then says. "I'm sweating like a hooker in a Catholic Church".
EA Miller EA Miller "Have faith" simply means believe me even though I don't have a single shred of evidence.
osirisnut osirisnut A priest is driving a nun back to the nunnery, he stops at traffic lights and his hand touches the nun's thigh, the nun says "Father remember luke 14:10". The priest is embarrassed and removes his hand when he reaches his church he checks psalm 14:10 and it says. Friend, go up higher. Then you will have glory.
EA Miller EA Miller Recent quote read by a Catholic priest on television:

“There are but two roads, one that leads to Rome and one that leads to atheism.”

What I heard:

“There are but two roads, one that leads to a misogynistic, homophobic cult whose leaders reside in a golden fortress and one that leads to reality and rational thinking.”
EA Miller EA Miller If given the chance, I am absolutely certain that many religious groups would have no problem taking away the civil rights of individuals that took decades or even centuries to obtain and immediately insert their cult values in place of them. Through their warped perspective, they would dub this “religious freedom”.
EA Miller EA Miller The major religions in the world today were founded in the prescience era of fairy-tale, myth, and faith in the absence of evidence. Their leaders despise those who ask for proof of their god’s existence because there simply isn’t any.
EA Miller EA Miller Christians, let’s get one thing straight… Atheists are not angry with your god. We never have been. We simply don’t believe in him or any other gods for that matter.
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
Gods DO exist, but only in the human imagination. Each believer is host to his/her personal god that lives between their ears. It never comes out from that prison like cell, it just lives there being kept alive while slowly dying.

When it's keeper dies, so too does his/her god.
Dr. Idel Dreimer Dr. Idel Dreimer Religion has always been the "secret police" of human culture: God is the spy in the sky -- the omniscient and omnipotent enforcer of social norms. (Observation #1739)
osirisnut osirisnut Every Sunday throughout the world people gather in their respective places of worship. This is a sign, a sign of MASS stupidity.
Jed King Jed King It's so strange that the greatest book of fiction ever written is never read by the very people who believe in it!
JK 2019.
EA Miller EA Miller If an advanced being created all of humanity and wanted people to live in a specific way according to its directive, it certainly would be as clear and concise as possible with absolutely NO interpretation required. Period.
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
No need for prayers to any god. Just pray to a dog turd and you'll find the results are EXACTLY the same.
osirisnut osirisnut Psalm 137:9. Blessed shall he be who takes your little ones and dashes them against the rocks. The Christian answer to this horror, you've taken it out of context the deeper meaning is LOVE.
EA Miller EA Miller The only clear thing about any of the Abrahamic holy books is that they were all clearly written by barbaric, ancient, misogynistic men who seemed to have no problem with slavery.
osirisnut osirisnut Every religion has it's rules to the detriment of their followers ranging from the preposterous, the ridiculous right through to the complete and utter insane. Whereas atheism, only has three rules the first rule of atheism, there are no rules, the second rule of atheism see rule number one and the third rule of atheism see previous rule.
EA Miller EA Miller Where do a spleen, appendix, and tailbone fit into god’s “perfect” plan?
osirisnut osirisnut The man-made Christ was nailed to a stick. And the followers of the so-called Christ (Christians) have been and are being screwed financially, physically and psychologically. Shame on those that peddle this religious shit.
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
Make an effort this Sunday and join your local church. WARNING: May contain nuts.
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
Over the centuries there have been many occasions where the men in frocks were convinced that THEY knew better than the men and women in smocks.
EA Miller EA Miller When a religious leader exclaims, “Have faith!” all I hear is “please don’t examine the facts, just believe me!”
EA Miller EA Miller Why would any person with a single functioning neuron in their brain ever believe a word of religious text?
EA Miller EA Miller The one thing religion is especially good at is giving you someone to hate.
EA Miller EA Miller All religions are cults. There are no exceptions.
EA Miller EA Miller Humans:

The only animals capable of destroying the Earth and believing some magical sky daddy is going to replenish it. Smartest animal? Not even close!
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
If there is a promised better life beyond this one for the believers, why do they mourn death instead of celebrating it?
EA Miller EA Miller If your “holy book” needs to be translated, then you’re a piss poor excuse for a god.
osirisnut osirisnut Religious clerics are professional liars who at one time had hidden agendas and now we all know what they are. Criminal.
osirisnut osirisnut The catholic church is 99% built on plagiarizing other cults, cultures and individuals. The 1% of good they have done is by accident.
EA Miller EA Miller Why is it that the most intelligent/powerful being in the universe hasn't figured out that all atheists require of its existence is proof? Doesn't seem like much to ask.
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
We should not be held guilty for the sins/crimes of our ancestors, otherwise we would ALL be guilty of something or other.
Jed King Jed King If you want be a good person, just bloody well be good. It's as simple as that, but please don't farm the credit out to an imaginary ghost in the sky.
EA Miller EA Miller A perfect god would make its word perfectly clear to everyone so no interpretation was ever necessary. The Bible does no such thing.
EA Miller EA Miller “People don’t go to hell because they sin, they go to hell because of nonbelief.”

-televangelist Robert Morris

“In other words, you could be a murderer or rapist and not go to hell because you’re a believer yet be a kind, generous, thoughtful human being but still go to hell because you’re a nonbeliever.That's royally f-d!”

EA Miller EA Miller If you enjoy completely uncivil, barbaric guidelines, then religion may be just right for you!
EA Miller EA Miller The sheer ignorance it takes a human being to believe in invisible sky gods makes me sad for the entire race.
EA Miller EA Miller Jesus killed a fig tree for not bearing figs, even though it was out of season. Seems rather temperamental and not very bright!
EA Miller EA Miller Most atheists are very good at detecting bullshit. This is the reason many of us become atheists in the first place!
EA Miller EA Miller This is the way cool thing about religion: you never have to take responsibility for anything, just blame it on those pesky demons!
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
Question: Why do we need places in which to worship and pray to our lord when our lord is all around us?


1) Places of worship are there to bring like minded people together en mass in order to enforce their tribal belief. Think brainwashing.

2) They are collection points for tithes and offertory.
EA Miller EA Miller My favorite definition of the Bible:

“An ancient novel full of murder, corruption, homophobia, bestiality, incest and cruelty. It’s often read to children on Sundays.”
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Dr. Idel Dreimer Dr. Idel Dreimer Religious hypotheses are unverifiable by the living -- the only "evidence" is ancient personal assertion -- or mythic "facts" woefully lacking in credibility. But fantasy is its own protection: it is a unifying realm beyond the fractious quibbles of intellect. Religion provides a sense of certainty, assures moral superiority, and comforts believers with a sense of community through repeated shared rituals. We should never underestimate the power of stupidity that is reassuringly communal. (Observation #1861)
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
Apostasy should be worshipped.
osirisnut osirisnut Some people think of Catholic priests as human scumbags. I will never understand why they think so highly of them.
osirisnut osirisnut In the church vestry, no one can hear a child scream.
osirisnut osirisnut There are mediums, palmists, religious clerics, psychics, fortune tellers, and clairvoyants, etc. The correlation between them, they are hustlers and con-artists.
osirisnut osirisnut Religions should be classed as manmade disasters that have tortured, raped, and murdered millions of people and these religions should be indicted for crimes against humanity.
osirisnut osirisnut Religion is dangerous because it allows human beings who don't know all the answers to think that they do. Bill Maher
EA Miller EA Miller Religion is the ultimate con-job since it literally requires unfettered belief without ever having to give a shred of evidence in return.

EA Miller EA Miller Isn’t it blasphemous to say the “perfect, never changing word of god” needs interpretation?

EA Miller EA Miller “God so loved the world” that he created many different types of people and then condemned their differences in his goat-herder’s guide to the galaxy book.
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